1 .What do we (customer) need to do to prepare (i.e what does customer need to do to prepare, move things etc.)? 

2. When can you start ?

3. How long will it take ? 

4. Is the estimate firm ?

5. Do we have to provide  a deposit ?

6. Do you dedicate a crew to my job or are they coming and going to other jobs ?

7. Is there supervision ?

8. What do we do if we have some concerns?

9. How can I be sure there will be continuity between the estimate stage  and the production stage ?

10. Who determines if the job is complete and done well ?

11. Who do we pay and when ?

12. How do I choose color/type of product ?

13. Should I ask for WCB number  and confirm for liability insurance ?

14. Should I ask for references ?

15. Can I ask about the worker’s experience and how long they`ve been with the company ?

16. Is the job guaranteed? Is the paint guaranteed?

17. What items would not be guaranteed ?

18. Will they keep areas clean?   

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